The 2023 Education Partners Conference of Dataa Robotics was successfully held
2023-05-19 16:14:07

On May 12th, the 2023 Educational Partner Conference and the "Robot + New Generation AI" Innovative Demonstration Campus Promotion Conference came to a satisfactory conclusion at Shanghai headquarters of Dataa Robotics. The conference was held simultaneously online and offline, and hundreds of people from more than 60 channel partners/units across the country participated in the meeting.


01 Emersive experience of cutting-edge technology and the first 5G Cloud Robot World

Dataa Robotics owns an industry-leading and full-stack technology solution for cloud robots, innovatively proposed the "cloud robot" (cloud brain + secure network + robot) architecture and successfully commercialized cloud robots. The partners who participated in the offline meeting first came to visit the nearly 2,000 square meters 5G cloud robot world located in the Shanghai headquarters. The exhibition hall includes the Eye of Time and Space, Cloud Atlas · Space-Time Dialogue, Cloud Travel · Journey of Growth (SCA), Cloud World · HARIX OS (cloud-network-terminal), Cloud Journey · Dataa Expedition (theme theater), Cloud World · Ideal Ecology ( Application scenario experience), Cloud Family ·An intelligent innovation force (all series of products), and all partners have experienced the full-stack cloud robot technology, core components and landing applications in detail.


Industrial development is inseparable from the popularization of education, and education construction needs to be carried out in cooperation with leading enterprises in new industries. In 2020, Dataa Robotics will build an "Intelligent Robot Industry Base" in Shanghai to carry out the production of complete robots and the research and development of SCA and intelligent manufacturing. With the goal of building a world-class artificial intelligence industrial cluster, Dataa Robotics will integrate industrial chain resources and capabilities, and create a global cloud robot industry base and ecosystem.


Afterwards, all the partners also visited the industrial park, digital factory and biped humanoid robot of Dataa Robotics, and witnessed the transformation and development of new industries.

02  In compliance with national policies, putting forward the initiative plan of "robot + new generation AI"

A few days ago, seventeen departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Education issued the "Robot +" Application Action Implementation Plan. As a leading company in cloud robots, Dataa Robotics actively responds to national policies, and has launched a large-scale plan for innovative demonstration campuses of "robots + new generation AI" catering to the needs of colleges and universities in the fields of AI and robotics for teaching, scientific research and practice. 

At the partner conference, Wang Bin, vice president of Dataa Robotics, first introduced the company and shared the strategy of the new education program. He mentioned: "'Robot + New Generation AI” is a major national strategy. We hope to join our force with universities to build a demonstration innovative application campus integrating talent training, teaching and scientific research, and practical application."


Lv Zhen, director of the Dataa Education Program, gave a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the new program and related application cases. The core of the plan is to carry out the construction of a "robot + new generation AI" innovative demonstration campus around "1-2-3" (i.e., a campus cloud brain, two types of innovation displays, and three practice centers).


With the support of various capabilities of HARIX OS, the original cloud robot operating system developed by Dataa Robotics, we can empower all colleges and universities to build campus cloud brains for artificial intelligence and robot services, and become a unified open platform for teaching, scientific research and practice, as well as providing products, technologies, services and other content construction.

03 In-depth collision discussions to jointly assist the cause of education moving forward

At the end of the conference, Dataa education team answered the questions of the participating partners one-to-one during the "answering and sharing" time. The guest representatives of many partners on site conducted in-depth discussions on their impressions of participating in the conference and education construction. "Since the in-depth cooperation with Dataa Robotics, I have witnessed the continuous improvement of Dataa's solution from 0 to 1. This new program I also have to participate in, which represents the determination to do education. I also believe that it can drive the point, surface, and even the whole industry chain of talent training." Guo Yaqin, vice chairman and secretary general of the Innovation Platform of Modern Industry College of China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Promotion Association, denoted these comments.

Li Yue, general manager of Sino-Singapore Jinqiao, mentioned that: "The display in the morning was indeed very surprising and refreshing. The new plan in the afternoon also provided all partners with good weapons, equipment and ammunition to empower customers. Those questions I have had for a long time about how the robotics industry will land and how to specifically empower colleges and universities have also been well answered. This is a long-term matter that requires our joint efforts." Dataa Education has now landed in hundreds of colleges and universities in more than 30 provinces, and has cooperation cases in various fields such as undergraduates and above, higher vocational, secondary vocational, and technicians. In the future, with the core technology of cloud robots and the integration of new solutions, Dataa Robotics will continue to move forward. We also sincerely invite all partners and institutions to deepen various educational cooperation and jointly build a new generation of national open innovation platform for artificial intelligence.